His sheep hear his voice The place where the sheep begin to hear their shepherd’s voice is called the sheepfold. When sheep are born the shepherds take them to the sheepfold to care for them. Shepherds make a temporary sheepfold when traveling with the sheep or a permanent place at home to house the sheep.
A name from tempered hearted to love
Jesus’ miracles After the man’s healing with the withered hand, more people began to seek and follow Jesus (Mr3:3-5). Everyone who had eyewitnessed the miracle went and told their friends, and they told their friends, and the news spread like wildfire that there is power in the Son of God. Jesus performed 37 registered miracles
Obedience rather than sacrifices
The tempter Satan does not rest from sending temptations to make us fall. A constant war is constantly on in the spirit realm for man’s soul. Because we got ourselves into this mess, God made weapons to avoid falling into the enemy’s schemes. God will not allow us to be tempted beyond our capacity (1Cor10:13).
A drying tree
Prayer the fruit When prayer is at someone’s heart, certain reactions accompany it for it to be productive. For example, faith has to be a stemming reaction for prayer to be effective. Jesus said that if you have faith like a mustard seed, you can say to a mountain move, and it will obey you
Bold steps
Born again. The inner man alters when he/she spends time with God. The attributes of the soul such as, feelings or emotions and power or stamina change after one spends quality time with God. And these changes become more and more noticeable to others as time passes by. People can see for example if you
Good and evil
The quest for knowledge The quest for having a superior knowledge and wisdom seems to be the destiny of mankind and now more than ever. The ability to discern between deceptive behaviors and conning conversations, between good and evil is intriguing to us. It is portrayed in our superheroes and viewed in our movies. The
Washing of our path
The family of God The feeling belonging and being a part of a community is a part of our identity. Our community plays a major role in who we become in life. There is this proverb that says, “It takes a village to raise a child” of which gives us the sense of community. One
To bear much fruit or nothing at all
We belong There two things that are equally important in one’s life of which without man would be purposeless. First, that God be with him and second that he/she is in God. When God is with you there is no trial or hardship you cannot overcome. The scripture says that if God is with you
The great dialog
Don’t give up on prayer From the fall of man on ward man’s desire has been to re-establish his relationship with God. The desire of families was that they would be chosen to introduce the redeemer of the world with their offspring, especially when they heard the prophecy of Isaiah (Is7:14). And God answered the
The doctrine of unity
Unity in times like these The benefits of gathering at church out weighs the absence thereof. Becoming a member of a church that seeks God and his kingdom; that is that somewhat follows the scriptural pattern of a true religion according to James has become a little difficult to do (Ja1:26-27). Finding a church where