The struggle with faith The gospel message preached for the last 2,000 years is of no effect unless accompanied by faith. One of the hardest concepts to grasp is the opposite of seeing is believing, which is not seeing and believing. The ancient Jews struggled with faith throughout history even when they were close to
The Temple of the Holy Spirit
God’s greatest promise God’s promises are true and come to pass as he makes them. He made the greatest promise to us of sending a savior, and he came. The promises of the Savior are written throughout the Old Testament for his people to know, and their fulfillment is seen in the New. In Genesis,
The way of prayer
Anxious year This soon-to-pass year was a tough one. It shocked the entire world. Here is a list of events that made this year stand out from any other historical year: 1. It was the most violent year ever, it rose to 180,000 events with political violence leading the way. 2. It was the biggest
My brother’s keeper
The body looks out. Have you ever had unbearable back pain or an earache that tormented you day and night? The brain is a member of the body that sends those unwanted pains as messages to the other members. It performs its function of looking out for its members and telling the human spirit
Restoring the broken doors
Doors and their symbolic context. In our lives, doors open and close. We see this in a symbolic context: someone puts a good word or a favor they owe you. God is known to open and close doors as well. The Bible tells us that when we keep God’s word and do not deny him
Treasure hunt
Life’s treasures There are many things in life we consider to be valuable treasures, such as children, cars, homes, families, and money. We all have a quest to find more of these treasures; we will go to great lengths to get them. The more treasures we have, the happier we are. Life is a great
The first impact
His sheep hear his voice The place where the sheep begin to hear their shepherd’s voice is called the sheepfold. When sheep are born the shepherds take them to the sheepfold to care for them. Shepherds make a temporary sheepfold when traveling with the sheep or a permanent place at home to house the sheep.
A name from tempered hearted to love
Jesus’ miracles After the man’s healing with the withered hand, more people began to seek and follow Jesus (Mr3:3-5). Everyone who had eyewitnessed the miracle went and told their friends, and they told their friends, and the news spread like wildfire that there is power in the Son of God. Jesus performed 37 registered miracles
Obedience rather than sacrifices
The tempter Satan does not rest from sending temptations to make us fall. A constant war is constantly on in the spirit realm for man’s soul. Because we got ourselves into this mess, God made weapons to avoid falling into the enemy’s schemes. God will not allow us to be tempted beyond our capacity (1Cor10:13).
A drying tree
Prayer the fruit When prayer is at someone’s heart, certain reactions accompany it for it to be productive. For example, faith has to be a stemming reaction for prayer to be effective. Jesus said that if you have faith like a mustard seed, you can say to a mountain move, and it will obey you