Prayer the fruit When prayer is at someone’s heart, certain reactions accompany it for it to be productive. For example, faith has to be a stemming reaction for prayer to be effective. Jesus said that if you have faith like a mustard seed, you can say to a mountain move, and it will obey you
A name change.
Called to follow him. Following God is a decision that one conscientiously makes. No one should have to force people to seek and follow God, and that is not to say that a good nudge to follow him is not needed. Because people today have hardened their hearts, we need to press them to come
Bringing the light.
Uses of light One once said that a spark of light casts out a lot of darkness. The power of light is amazing. Today, we use light for just about everything. Here is a list of the uses of light: Photosynthesis, vision and sight, body growth and sleep, drying and evaporating, sanitation of the earth,
A new beginning
From the start; Christ Christ’s authenticity is without question, although there are those skeptics who will even question their birth. And because Christ has a track record that proves who he is and what is said about him, it is worth the effort to follow him. For example, in the creation moments of man, he
Delivered from your sickbed
Drawing God’s attention One thing that draws God’s attention is when we consider and help those going through the hardships of times. Some people might feel forgotten and abandoned as if no one is paying attention to them and their pains but God is. The Psalmist said that hears the needy and they are not
Your thought are not mine.
Figuring God out Our thoughts are formed from our conscience and subconscious thinking, which are parts of the thinking process. We use 15 main thought processes to come up with conclusions. Some of the thought processes we use include Associative thinking which says that we see how some things connect to others. Then, there is
Taking charge of my faith
The restoration process The city of Jericho was cursed. Joshua had cursed it once they took over it with God bringing the walls down. God cursed the city with the penalty that whoever rebuilds it both of their sons would be killed. No one could reconstruct the city to its prior glory. But someone rebuilt
Something is going to happen when you pray.
Trials and tribulations come. The Bible tells us that though we will go through trials and tribulations, they are only for a while. Our afflictions have a time stamp on them for termination, because God knows how far we can go and how much we can handle. The Bible calls our trials temporal and light
The forefront for faith
The increase of faith. The things that God does in our lives attract attention. Throughout history, people have longed to see some divine intervention, become evident in someone’s life. All of our faiths increase when we hear that something supernatural happened. An increase of faith is nowadays needed. The disciples of Jesus felt the need
Onesimus the prodigal son
Dealing with failure How do we deal with failure, or is there a method to dealing with failure? There are many methods to deal with failure, that can either be constructive or destructive. Constructive dealing with failure includes embracing your emotions; that is thinking about one’s emotion and not on the feeling of failure. Also